Fresh Ideas in Food Preservation

[On-Site Report: Fresh Ideas in Food Preservation]
This episode introduces new food preservation technologies that offer next-level performance when it comes to protecting flavor and freshness.

On-Site Report: Fresh Ideas in Food Preservation

Flash-freezing fish by submerging it in alcohol allows for an extremely quick-freezing process that preserves its flavor and texture by preventing the formation of large damage-causing ice crystals.
Lettuce kept in a carefully managed storage environment set at 100% humidity and 0 degrees Celsius can remain fresh and edible for several months.

Global Trends: Encouraging Consumers to Keep Clothes Longer

The apparel industry is facing criticism of its massive impact on the environment ... but efforts are underway toward sustainability and longevity. We have a look at what is being done in Japan to make people keep their clothes longer.

Governments and companies are working to stop the million tons of clothing that go to landfills or incinerators every year as consumers replace their items sooner.
New technologies are being used to give old clothes new life, such as reviving this T-shirt that has grown see-through after being washed many times.

In Focus: Scandal Threatens Reputation of Japan Auto Industry

Japan's auto industry is engulfed in a widening safety scandal. Major companies have acknowledged cheating on some testing data, but also say their vehicles on the road are safe. We look at what's behind the scandal.
