Changing Japan with 'Womenomics'

[Special Interview]
In this episode, host Shaula Vogue conducts a special interview with Kathy Matsui. The former vice chair of Goldman Sachs Japan joins us to discuss the benefits of having more women join the workforce, share her thoughts on the importance of education, and talk about Japan's progress towards closing the gender gap.

[In Depth: Toyota Backs Hydrogen in Race for Green Future]
More and more car manufacturers are shifting to electric vehicles as governments around the world set targets to reduce greenhouse gases. In addition to EVs, Japan's biggest automaker is betting on a carbon-free engine technology that works more like the power plants in today's cars.

[Global Trends: Tech for Pets Takes Off]
An increasing number of people are keeping pets as they spend more time at home due to the pandemic. We look at some advanced technologies available in Japan that help owners manage the health and fitness of their cats and dogs.