"Japan to Expand Eligibility for Skilled Worker Status"

Welcome to "Learn Japanese from the News." In this program we learn Japanese and more about Japan from news stories presented in simple Japanese. Today's headline is "Japan to Expand Eligibility for Skilled Worker Status" which was published on NEWS WEB EASY's website on June 9, 2023. Keywords include 「技術(ぎじゅつ)gijutsu」"skill or technical know-how" and 「更新する(こうしんする) kooshin-suru」"renew."

"Japan to Expand Eligibility for Skilled Worker Status"

Welcome to "Learn Japanese from the News."
Join us as we learn Japanese and about the country through Japanese news stories.
Today's headline is…

"Japan to Expand Eligibility for Skilled Worker Status"
This news story was published on NEWS WEB EASY's website on June 9th.
Now let's go over some vocab words that will help us understand what's going on.
skill or technical know-how
Let's keep these words in mind as we listen.
Cabinet ministers approved a plan to expand the scope of the Specified Skilled Worker No. 2 status of residence.

Now we'll break down a few sentences from the story that contain helpful expressions and keywords.
Let's start with the following sentence:
"The Specified Skilled Worker No. 2 status, which was established four years ago, is a qualification that can be acquired by highly skilled foreign nationals."
特定技能(とくていぎのう)2号(ごう)is a type of status of residence.
Japan currently has 19 status of residence categories that allow employment. 特定技能(とくていぎのう), or the Specified Skilled Worker category, was created in 2019.
It covers certain industries that are experiencing severe labor shortages due to factors like Japan's low birthrate and aging population.
The status comes in two types: 特定技能(とくていぎのう)1号(ごう) and 特定技能(とくていぎのう)2号(ごう)—Number 1 and Number 2.
The Number 2 status generally requires a higher level of technical skill and offers improved residency conditions.
Up until now, the No. 2 status was only available for two industries. But with the planned revision, that will increase to 11.
Now, getting back to our sentence, let's talk about the expression ことができる, which means "to be able to."
Here it describes what's possible under certain conditions. It's saying that in order to qualify for the status, foreign nationals must have a high level of technical know-how.
We also use ことができる to describe skill or ability.
For example, 彼(かれ)は中国語(ちゅうごくご)の本(ほん)を読(よ)むことができます means "He's able to read books in Chinese."
Pay attention to context to determine whether ことができる is being used to express 可能性(かのうせい)possibility, or 能力(のうりょく)ability.
OK, let's move on to our next sentence.
"If they renew their qualification, they can work in Japan indefinitely, and can even bring their family into the country."
更新(こうしん)する means "renew." It's the process of extending the terms of a qualification, license, or contract.
更新(こうしん)する can also refer to updating documents or breaking a record. For instance, 世界記録(せかいきろく)を更新(こうしん)する means "establish a new world record."
And that's all for today.

Specified Skilled Worker No. 2 status can be renewed an unlimited number of times, and holders are also allowed to bring family into the country. This is great news for people who want to settle in Japan long-term.
Yes. And it also encourages employers to take a long-term view towards foreign workers by providing opportunities for career advancement.
Now be sure to tune in next time for more!