Website to help children affected by disaster

A new website can help people find information on psychological care and learning support to help children affected by the Noto Peninsula earthquake.

The site, "2024 Noto Peninsula Earthquake Education Hub for All People", is being updated regularly. It was developed by a team of experts, including Assistant Professor Saito Ryo of Tohoku University's International Research Institute of Disaster Science.

It contains 12 sections, including advice about how to treat children post-disaster, psychological care for children and those who support them, an introduction to learning support, and a guide to reopening schools compiled by education officials from other prefectures that have experienced disasters.

The website "2024 Noto Peninsula Earthquake Education Hub for All People"

Japanese site:
English site:

A graph on the site charts the number of schools that have shortened classes — or have become evacuation shelters — to make it easier to check the status of individual facilities and understand the overall impact on education.

Assistant Professor Saito says it is important to provide information in a timely manner, based on his experience of hearing from teachers who were affected by the Great East Japan Earthquake in 2011. Many had regrets about how children were treated at the time.

"I hope that not only those involved in the affected schools, but also teachers outside of the affected areas, will consider what they can do on their own through this website," he says.

Assistant Professor Saito Ryo of Tohoku University's International Research Institute of Disaster Science