Shelter for pets and their owners opens in quake-hit Suzu, Ishikawa Pref.

The Iida Community Center in Suzu City, Ishikawa Prefecture, started providing shelter to evacuees with pets on January 28.

Many evacuation centers do not accept pets, forcing some people to take shelter in their homes or cars, raising concerns about health risks. A non-profit organization is now working with the city to find facilities, like the Iida Community Center, that are open to pet-owners.

A room where evacuees can stay with their pets.

The community center offers pet food and cardboard cages so pets can sleep next to their owners. Dogs and cats are allowed, while other animals can be accommodated on a case-by-case basis.

Yagi Kazuko and her family are staying at the community center with their dog. They were initially sheltering at a local elementary school, but some of the other evacuees were made uneasy by the dog's barking.

"I'm grateful to be at a place where I don't have to worry about my surroundings," Yagi says.

Tsujimoto Ikumi, a member of the non-profit Japan Rescue Association, says she is happy her organization could find a place for evacuees with pets.

"Many people thought they could not enter shelters with their pets," Tsujimoto says. "We hope people will feel free to come and visit us."

Tsujimoto Ikumi of the Japan Rescue Association