Heavy snow: What to do before driving

Heavy snow can make driving difficult and dangerous. Here’s what to do before getting in your car to stay safe.

Make sure your tank is never less than half-full

Use a 100-yen coin to check the tread on your tires

Winter tires have deeper tread that provide better traction in slippery conditions, but excessive wear will make them ineffective. Insert a 100-yen coin into the groove. If you can still see the "1," it's time to change tires. (This is only a rough indicator as depth varies by tire.)

The Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism urges drives to check the "platform" of their tires. The platform is a 5 mm high groove in the middle of the tread. It will be exposed if the tread is more than 50 percent worn. This is another way to check whether your tires need to be changed.

Brush the snow off the bottom of your shoes before getting inside