State-run vaccination centers open to people aged 18 to 64

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Sites cover people nationwide

From June 17, large-scale vaccination centers in Tokyo and Osaka expanded eligibility to include people aged 18 to 64 who live anywhere in Japan. It’s part of an effort to speed up the nationwide rollout.

Vaccinations for people aged 65 and above who live in Tokyo, Osaka and neighboring prefectures have been ongoing at the state-run sites since May 24.

The Japan Self-Defense Forces operates the facilities. It reports that both sites are fully booked until July 4. A limited number of reservations are available for the remainder of July as many of the appointment slots have been allocated to people getting their second shot.

How to book

Visitors must bring a vaccination coupon sent out by their municipality. Reservations can be made online or by phone.

Please call between 7 a.m. and 9 p.m., including on weekends and holidays.
Tokyo: 0570-056-730 (Japanese) / 0570-056-750 (English)
Osaka: 0570-080-770 (Japanese) / 0570-060-211 (English)

Vacancies prompt expanded rollout

The vaccination sites in Tokyo and Osaka were initially opened to people aged 65 or older as part of the government’s aim to vaccinate the elderly population by the end of July.

Eligibility was gradually expanded due to vacancies, but slots still remained open. Area restrictions were dropped on June 10, and phone reservations were made available on June 12.

The centers opened to people involved in crisis management, such as police officers and members of the Self-Defense Forces, from June 14. Even then, there were still vacancies, prompting officials to expand availability to people aged 18 to 64.

This information is accurate as of June 28, 2021.