Large-scale vaccination facilities extend eligibility criteria

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Vaccination eligibility expands

From May 31, more people became eligible for coronavirus vaccinations at state-run, large-scale inoculation centers in Tokyo and Osaka. Daily capacity was increased to 10,000 shots at the Tokyo venue, and 5,000 in Osaka.

The central government opened the facilities on May 24 to help accelerate the vaccination rollout that's currently open to people aged 65 or older.

Officials initially limited access at the Tokyo venue to residents of the capital's 23 wards. The Osaka facility was also open only to Osaka city residents.

Eligibility at the Tokyo venue is now extended to elderly people living in any part of the capital, or the neighboring prefectures of Saitama, Chiba and Kanagawa. The Osaka site caters to its own prefectural residents as well as those from Kyoto and Hyogo.

Daily capacity is set by the Defense Ministry. Doctors and nurses from the Self-Defense Forces are staffing the venues with the help of medical workers from the private sector.

Online reservations only, with coupons

Vaccinations for people aged 65 or older are being scheduled at those venues over three months, from May 24 to the end of August.

Reservations are only accepted online. A date for the second dose is booked at the venue after the first vaccination has been administered.

People need a coupon sent from the municipality where they live to make an appointment. The reservation website requires them to input their year of birth, coupon number and other information.

Avoid double booking

The central government warns it is possible to double book vaccinations at local clinics and at the large-scale centers. There are no administrative checks in place to prevent this, so it is up to individuals to cancel one of their reservations should they find themselves with dual appointments – and ensure that no doses are wasted.

This information is accurate as of June 1, 2021.