It's not just older people who must stay alert

This is part 66 of our coronavirus FAQ. Click here to read other installments: #Coronavirus the facts. Find the latest information and answers from experts on COVID-19.

Risk remains despite lack of symptoms

Young people who contract the coronavirus are likely to develop only light symptoms, or none at all. But if that leads them to take the virus less seriously, they could pose a danger to the rest of the society. Young people are typically more active, which can help the virus spread more rapidly. It goes without saying that these people share this world with those aged 60 and above, who have a higher chance of becoming severely ill.

Many cases, fewer deaths

As the following charts show, there have been more infections among younger age groups, but an overwhelming proportion of deaths among older people.

Graph: Infections by age group
Graph: Deaths by age group

And while young people face lower mortality rates, they can still experience troubling aftereffects, such as a prolonged loss of taste and smell. One person said that the virus has "sapped all the enjoyment out of life."