Guidelines for nightlife venues

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Industry guidelines

We take a look at the guidelines that different industries have introduced to help businesses sustain social and economic activity while also preventing infection.

Night clubs and live music venues

In June, the Japanese government introduced common guidelines for three types of entertainment businesses: night clubs, music venues, and clubs or bars where staff attend personally to customers.

The Japanese government announced that businesses in these categories should implement the following measures:

  • Maintain a distance of at least one meter, or two meters if possible, between people.
  • Install acrylic panels on tables and countertops.
  • Encourage staff and customers to wear masks or face shields.
  • Ask customers to give their names and contact information to the staff so routes of infection can be traced if necessary.
Supercomputer study points way to better infection prevention

Live music venues

In addition to following these guidelines, live music venues are being asked to keep performers and audience members two meters apart. If this is not possible, the government recommends that the operator implement measures to prevent droplet transmission. Operators are also urged to conduct all ticket sales online or through cashless payment systems.

Clubs or bars

Clubs or bars where staff personally service customers are recommended to ask customers to avoid singing karaoke or dancing side by side. They are also urged to advise customers not to share glasses.

Night clubs

Night clubs are urged to keep music volume at a minimum and ban people from speaking loudly to prevent droplet transmission.

This information is accurate as of July 27, 2020.