Expert: Don’t write Trump off yet

US President Donald Trump’s bid for reelection became official last week when he accepted the Republican Party’s nomination. As it stands, he appears to be facing an uphill challenge to stay in the White House: recent data from Real Clear Politics puts Democratic rival Joe Biden in the lead.

But Yokoe Kumi, an expert on US politics at Toyo University, says don’t read too much into the numbers—especially when it comes to Trump.

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She explains that he has the support of more than 90% of Republicans, allowing him to focus on key battleground states such as Florida, Pennsylvania, Michigan and Wisconsin.

How the president fares in TV debates will also be important, Yokoe says. She believes moderate supporters “may be waiting for Trump to show his strength over Biden.”

This year’s widespread social unrest over racial injustice could play into the president’s hands, she adds. More violence could validate his message of law and order, and resonate with people who are worried about security.