Why does the coronavirus affect my sense of smell?

This is part 15 of our coronavirus FAQ. Click here to read the other installments: #Coronavirus the facts.

It’s one of the most mysterious symptoms of the coronavirus: those infected apparently lose their ability to smell.

According to researchers in Europe, more than 85% of coronavirus sufferers experience the problem. Now one researcher thinks he knows why.

Professor Miwa Takaki of Kanazawa Medical University has discovered that the virus causes an inflammation of the cells that support olfactory receptors. He says the swollen cells likely block particles of scent.

Coronavirus patient loses sense of taste, smell. (0:35)

Miwa says a sudden loss of smell does not necessarily mean a person will develop serious symptoms. But he says people should treat it as an indication that they may be infected.

He also says people who experience it should not rush to a doctor, but contact a public health center first.