Russian court hands 16-year jail term to US journalist

A Russian court has sentenced US journalist Evan Gershkovich to 16 years in prison on charges of espionage.

Gershkovich reports for the Wall Street Journal. Russian authorities arrested him in March last year in the central city of Yekaterinburg.

Prosecutors accuse Gershkovich of attempting to obtain secret information about Russia's military industry under the direction of the US Central Intelligence Agency.

Gershkovich denies the charge and maintains that he was engaged in journalistic activities.

Russian state media say a court in Yekaterinburg handed down the 16-year sentence on Friday. Prosecutors had been demanding 18 years.

Kremlin spokesperson Dmitry Peskov declined to answer a question about whether Gershkovich will be released as part of a prisoner swap.

Moscow has refused Washington's repeated calls to release him, and the ruling could see bilateral ties deteriorate further.

US President Joe Biden said in a statement that Gershkovich has received a sentence "despite having committed no crime."

He also said Gershkovich was "targeted by the Russian government because he is a journalist and an American," and that the White House will continue to stand against "those who seek to attack the press."