Vietnam applies to UN to extend continental shelf in S.China Sea

Vietnam has filed a claim with the United Nations to extend its continental shelf in the South China Sea. This comes a month after the Philippines made a similar move amidst China's increasing assertiveness in the disputed waters.

Vietnam's state-run media say the government submitted the claim to a UN Commission on Wednesday. The country has applied to extend its continental shelf beyond its exclusive economic zone in central areas of the disputed South China Sea.

A Vietnamese foreign ministry spokesperson said on Thursday that the government already informed relevant countries on this matter via diplomatic channels and that discussions were held in a sincere, friendly and straightforward atmosphere.

A UN convention states that the shelf can be extended under certain conditions regarding seabed geography and other factors. If approved, sovereign rights to explore maritime resources there would be granted.

In response to Vietnam's submission, the Philippine foreign ministry said Manila is ready to engage with Hanoi on ways to achieve a mutually beneficial solution to South China Sea issues, in accordance with international law.

China has strongly opposed these latest moves. A Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson said on Thursday such submissions will only exacerbate differences and friction, and will not help resolve disputes in the South China Sea.