S.Korea resumes loudspeaker broadcasts in response to N.Korea trash balloons

The South Korean military says it conducted a loudspeaker broadcast campaign against North Korea overnight near the military demarcation line. The move comes after North Korea's latest launch of trash-carrying balloons.

The Joint Chiefs of Staff announced on Friday that its propaganda broadcast, using frontline loudspeakers, took place between Thursday evening and early Friday.

The JCS said it had detected numerous balloons sent by the North since Thursday. Dozens were found in Gyeonggi Province near Seoul.

North Korea has repeatedly sent balloons with bags of trash attached to them across the border since May.

Pyongyang said the acts are in retaliation for the flying of balloons carrying anti-North Korea leaflets by activists in South Korea.

The South Korean propaganda broadcast was the first since June 9. These broadcasts usually contain criticism of the North Korean leadership and news about developments in South Korea. They are aimed at lowering the morale of North Korean soldiers.

The South Korean military is on alert for possible reactions by North Korea.