Philippines rejects China's claim over damage to coral reef

The Philippines has rejected claims by China that a grounded Philippine warship is causing serious damage to a coral reef in the South China Sea. Manila says the report is "false and classic misdirection".

A Philippine government statement released on Tuesday says it is Beijing that has caused irreparable damage to reefs in the area through dredging and illegal fishing.
It calls for scientific assessment by an independent third-party.

On Monday, China released a report listing damage to the Second Thomas Shoal which is effectively controlled by Manila and claimed by Beijing.
The report said that coral coverage within 400 meters of the Philippine vessel has declined by nearly 90 percent since 2011.

It also said the surrounding water quality has deteriorated due to damage caused by corrosion of the vessel, as well as sewage from personnel on board.
The report contained images of abandoned trash bearing Philippine markings as well as old fishing nets.

Manila deliberately grounded the warship on the reef 25 years ago which now serves as a base for Philippine soldiers.