MSDF chief reportedly intends to resign over staff handling of secrets

Japan's Defense Ministry is said to be considering reprimanding senior officials of the Maritime Self-Defense Force after a revelation that they let unqualified members handle confidential information. The chief of staff of the MSDF has reportedly expressed his intention to resign.

In April, the ministry suspended the captain of an MSDF destroyer, saying the official allowed unqualified personnel to handle "specially designated secrets," including some concerning a foreign vessel.

Informed sources say investigation by the ministry revealed there were similar cases, such as on multiple other vessels.

They say the MSDF Chief of Staff, Admiral Sakai Ryo, has expressed his intention to resign.

The ministry is expected to announce the results of its investigation and the personnel to be reprimanded as early as this month.

Heads of government bodies have the authority to define as "specially designated secrets" information on defense, diplomacy and in other fields that relate to safety and security of the state and its people. Those who handle such secrets need to be vetted.