Japan Defense Ministry to recruit officers specializing in cyberdefense for SDF

Japan's Defense Ministry is set to recruit people to become officers specializing in cyberdefense in the Self-Defense Forces. The new recruits will be expected to serve as senior members of the unit in the future.

The move comes as cyberattacks have been becoming increasingly sophisticated and complex.

The ministry has created a comprehensive strategy to achieve its goal of boosting the number of SDF cyberdefense unit staff members from the current level, which is more than 2,200, to 4,000 in fiscal 2027.

The strategy entails hiring personnel who can engage in cyber-related work right after they join the Ground Self-Defense Force.

The strategy also contains a measure that would ease the physical standards that prospective SDF members must meet, so that the ministry can employ many cyber specialists as reserves.

Defense Minister Kihara Minoru says it is a challenge for the ministry to secure cyber professionals, as demand for such talent is growing throughout society.

He adds that his ministry will implement various measures as soon as possible to reinforce its cyberdefense capabilities.