North Korea's Kim inspects defense enterprise following key ruling party meeting

North Korean leader Kim Jong Un inspected a defense industrial enterprise on Tuesday, the day after a key meeting of the ruling Workers Party ended.

The country's state-run Korean Central Television reported on Wednesday that Kim visited the enterprise and other establishments on Tuesday.

Kim inspected unmanned production lines while reportedly stressing that the modernization achieved by the country's defense industry should be the goal for all sectors of the economy.

The business is believed to be playing a major role in strengthening North Korea's defense capabilities. An image of a ballistic missile mounted on a mobile launcher could be seen at the facility.

The report also said the inspection came the day after a four-day plenary meeting of the party's Central Committee that ended on Monday. More than 100 people, including the members of the party leadership, accompanied Kim, indicating the significance of the visit.

Tokyo-based Radiopress news agency said this is the seventh time this year that Kim inspected defense-related facilities.

North Korea's focus on strengthening its defense industry is becoming increasingly clear, especially after it signed a new treaty with Russia last month that includes defense cooperation.