Cases of Japan's footballer Ito Junya, two women sent to prosecutors

Police in Osaka, western Japan, have sent papers to prosecutors over sexual misconduct allegations concerning professional soccer player Ito Junya and two women. Ito belongs to Stade de Reims, a top-tier French league club.

In February, Japanese weekly magazine Shukan Shincho reported that the two women were subjected to sexual misconduct by Ito at an Osaka hotel in June last year. The women had filed a criminal complaint with Osaka prefectural police in January.

Ito responded by filing a counter-complaint in February, saying the allegations were false and unfounded.

The Osaka police accepted complaints from both sides.

Investigative sources told NHK on Tuesday that the police sent papers on Ito and his trainer to Osaka prosecutors on suspicion of sexual abuse. The sources also said the police sent papers on the women on suspicion of filing false complaints.

The police have released no details as to why they sent papers on both sides.