Russia to hold open debate on Gaza as UN Security Council president

Russia, which holds the presidency of the United Nations Security Council for July, has raised fresh criticism of the United States over the situation in the Gaza Strip.

Russia's ambassador to the UN, Vassily Nebenzia, spoke to reporters at the UN headquarters in New York on Monday.

He announced a plan to hold ministerial-level open discussions on the Gaza situation on July 17 with Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov as chair.

The move comes after the Security Council adopted a resolution submitted by the United States calling on both Israel and Hamas to agree to a new plan for a ceasefire and the release of hostages.

Nebenzia described the ceasefire plan as vague and lacking details, saying, "nothing happens in reality."

Russia is expected to step up its criticism of the US, which supports Israel in its military operations in Gaza.

Nebenzia also criticized Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy and his government, saying they are, "running around with his so-called peace plan, which is, of course, not a peace plan but a joke."

He emphasized that Russia has no intention of discussing the peace plan advocated by Ukraine.

The Russian envoy was asked about a comment by former US President Donald Trump, who said he could end the war in Ukraine within 24 hours if re-elected.

Nebenzia said the Ukrainian crisis cannot be solved in one day.

Russia is alleged to be importing ballistic missiles from North Korea in violation of Security Council resolutions.

Nebenzia said that Russia is not violating sanctions against North Korea.