Japan GDP shrank more than estimated in Jan.-Mar.

Japanese government officials say the economy weakened more than they initially thought in the January-to-March quarter. They say corrected data for construction orders prompted them to revise the GDP figure down.

Cabinet Office officials say the economy shrank 2.9 percent in inflation-adjusted annualized terms from the previous quarter.

That's down from their previous estimate of a 1.8-percent contraction.

The change comes after the land ministry supplied new data for construction contracts.

The revised GDP figure means that public investment shrank 1.9 percent from the previous quarter.

That's a sharp turnaround from the previous estimate, which was 3-percent growth.

Housing investment was also revised down to minus 2.9 percent.

Private consumption contracted for the fourth quarter in a row.

Government officials are hopeful that more wage hikes and recent tax cuts can boost spending.