US Air Force member charged in March for sexually assaulting Okinawa girl

It has come to light that a US Air Force member based in Japan's southern prefecture of Okinawa was indicted in March for sexually assaulting an underage local girl.

The indictment says that in December, 25-year-old Brennon Washington approached the victim at a park in the central part of Okinawa's main island and drove her away in a car. They did not know each other.

He then allegedly asked her to come to his home to cook and watch movies together before driving her there, then sexually assaulting her.

Local police initiated an investigation after receiving a complaint from the girl's side and sent papers on the suspect to the Naha District Public Prosecutors Office on March 11. Prosecutors indicted him on March 27.

Neither prosecutors nor police have disclosed whether the suspect has admitted to the allegations.

His trial is scheduled to open on July 12.

Okinawa Governor Tamaki Denny told reporters on Tuesday that the incident, which targeted a minor, has sparked significant anxiety among the local population, who is forced to live next to US bases. He added that the incident also constitutes a grave violation of the woman's dignity.

He went on to say that as the governor, who is responsible for ensuring the safety of the people of Okinawa, he feels strong indignation, particularly because the victim is a minor. He expressed his intention to make an official complaint shortly to the US forces and relevant organizations.

Tamaki said he was informed by the Okinawa liaison office of Japan's Foreign Ministry on Tuesday that Vice-Minister for Foreign Affairs Okano Masataka lodged a protest with the US Ambassador to Japan, Rahm Emanuel, and called for stricter discipline on March 27, the day the suspect was indicted.

The governor expressed displeasure at the delayed communication, saying it is something that considerably undermines mutual trust.