North Korea-Russia treaty pledges mutual military assistance against invasion

North Korea has released the full text of the new treaty with Russia that includes a promise of mutual military assistance if one of them faces armed invasion.

North Korean leader Kim Jong Un and Russian President Vladimir Putin signed the comprehensive strategic partnership treaty on Wednesday after holding summit talks in Pyongyang.

The state-run Korean Central News Agency reported the content of the treaty, which comprises 23 articles, on Thursday.

Article 4 stipulates that if either of them is invaded and placed under a state of war, the other will deploy all means in its possession to provide military and other assistance, without delay.

It says this will be carried out in line with their domestic laws and the United Nations Charter, which recognizes the inherent right of member states to individual or collective self-defense.

Article 3 states that when one of them faces a direct threat of possible military invasion, the two countries will immediately hold discussions on practical measures to remove the threat.

Article 8 says the two countries will establish a system to take joint measures with the aim of strengthening defense capabilities to prevent war and guarantee regional and international peace and security.

In their joint news conference on Wednesday, Kim said relations between the two countries had reached the level of an alliance.