Russian naval ships seen passing through Tsugaru Strait, northern Japan

Japan's Defense Ministry says three Russian Navy ships passed through the Tsugaru Strait and sailed toward the Pacific Ocean on Tuesday. The Japanese Self-Defense Forces have been keeping a close watch since Russia announced that it will conduct a military drill near Japan.

The ministry said on Wednesday that the Maritime Self-Defense Force spotted a Russian Navy destroyer and two tank landing ships about 50 kilometers southwest of Oshima-Oshima Island, off the northernmost prefecture of Hokkaido, on Tuesday. They were heading east in the Sea of Japan.

The ministry says the MSDF confirmed that the three vessels later passed through the Tsugaru Strait between Japan's main island of Honshu and Hokkaido, heading to the Pacific.

Russia's defense ministry announced on Tuesday that its Pacific Fleet will conduct an exercise in the Pacific Ocean, the Sea of Japan and the Sea of Okhotsk from June 18 to 28. The ministry said about 40 ships are taking part.

Navigation warnings have been issued for some waters for possible missile drills.

Sources in Japan's Defense Ministry say the three vessels that passed through the strait are likely to join the drill.