Google to develop AI models for Japan's 47 prefectures

US tech giant Google has announced a plan to develop AI models tailored to the specific needs of Japan's 47 prefectures.

Google Japan President Okuyama Shinji announced the firm's generative AI business strategies in Japan on Wednesday in Tokyo.

He said the company aims to develop AI models tailored to the specific regional needs of the prefectures as part of its services for local governments, with the goal of introducing the models by 2027.

Google plans to address regional challenges caused by such issues as the aging society and declining workforce. It has already started developing an AI system to resolve the mismatch between job openings and job seekers in Osaka Prefecture. The company plans to propose similar solutions to other local governments.

Okuyama said regional areas face more social issues unique to Japan than major cities. He also said the company aims to partner with local governments to uncover potential to resolve such issues.

Other US tech giants such as Microsoft and Amazon Web Services already offer services for local governments in the IT systems sector.

Observers say Google's announcement will likely intensify competition with Japanese companies developing domestic generative AI.