Street drinking at night near Shibuya Station to be banned year-round from Oct.

Tokyo's Shibuya Ward is set to impose a year-round ban on nighttime street drinking near Shibuya Station starting in October.

The ward assembly on Monday unanimously approved revisions to an ordinance to enforce the ban for the busy shopping and entertainment district.

The revised ordinance will prohibit drinking in public spaces, such as parks and streets, from 6 p.m. to 5 a.m. the next day.

The ordinance before the revisions had prohibited such nighttime drinking during the Halloween festivities in October, as well as the year-end and New Year holidays.

It was enacted in 2019 after a series of issues involving alcohol during the Halloween period.

Young people and foreign tourists drinking on the streets have become a common sight in recent months.

Local shop operators and others have asked the ward to expand the ban as they are troubled by the empty cans and trash left behind.

The revised ordinance, like the one in 2019, does not give penalties, such as fines, to those who violate the rules.

Ward authorities plan to send security personnel to patrol the area to give what they call "guidance" to those drinking outdoors.

The coverage of the restrictions will also be expanded to areas near the Shibuya ward office and the east side of Shibuya Station.