G7 leaders begin 2nd day of summit talks focusing on China, AI

Leaders of the Group of Seven nations have begun their second day of summit talks in Italy with a focus on China's overproduction and artificial intelligence.

Other topics on Friday include migration, the Indo-Pacific region, where concerns over China's maritime activities and North Korea's missile development are growing, and economic security.

Western nations are concerned that China overproduces electric vehicles and solar panels by giving manufacturers subsidies and then exports the products at unfairly low prices.

An expanded meeting scheduled for the afternoon will be joined by leaders of invited countries to discuss how to utilize and regulate AI.

The Italian government says leaders of emerging nations, such as India's Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Brazil's President Luis Inacio Lula da Silva, will be among the attendees, as well as Pope Francis.

Francis, who is said to have a keen interest in AI, will be the first pontiff to attend a G7 summit.

A leaders' statement will be adopted when the summit meeting wraps up in the evening.