AI certification plan to be included in G7 communique

NHK has learned that the Group of Seven countries aim to set up a safety certification system for developers of artificial intelligence software.

The use of generative artificial intelligence is rapidly spreading, which has put it on the agenda at the three-day G7 summit that started in Italy on Thursday.

Informed sources say discussions are underway to establish a system to certify AI developers who comply with a G7 code of conduct. This proposal is expected to be in the group's communique in Italy.

The G7 agreed at last year's Hiroshima summit to launch the "Hiroshima AI Process" to establish rules on responsible use of the technology.

Generative AI offers many advantages in text and image creation. But experts say the technology can also be used to spread misinformation and infringe copyrights.

Japan initiated the idea of the Hiroshima AI Process and is taking a lead with G7 chair Italy in the discussions to help prevent misuse use of the technology.