Narita Airport gets movie treatment to attract workers

Airports frequently feature in movies, but they are not often portrayed as attractive places to work. Now Narita Airport near Tokyo is trying to do just that to help overcome a labor shortage.

The problem has become acute as passenger numbers surged after the coronavirus pandemic. Check-in counters and information desks in particular are short-staffed.

A short movie dramatizing the experiences of one such worker was shown at an event in Tokyo on Thursday.

The main character is based on Toyota Nozomi, who works at one of the airport's information desks. She said, "I don't think there's another job where you get such gratitude. I'd love it if more people could share such a joyful and moving experience."
The event attracted university students preparing for job hunting. One university student said, "Thanks to this event, I learned that there are many firms in the aviation industry. I want to look into them further."

The airport's operator estimates that twice the current number of workers will be needed in future. The completion of Narita's third runway in five years is expected to bring even more passengers.