NHK poll: Kishida Cabinet's approval rate hits lowest level

An NHK opinion poll shows that the approval rate for Prime Minister Kishida Fumio's Cabinet has sunk by 3 percentage points to an all-time low of 21 percent.
The disapproval rate rose 5 points to 60 percent.

The approval rate is the lowest since the launch of the Kishida Cabinet in October 2021 and also the worst since the main governing Liberal Democratic Party regained power in December 2012.

NHK conducted the monthly phone survey over three days from Friday. Nearly 1,200 people responded.

Among those who support the Cabinet, 48 percent said it seems better than possible alternatives, 22 percent said it is made up of political parties they support, and 13 percent expressed trust in Kishida.

Of those who disapprove, 49 percent said they have low expectations for the Cabinet's policies, 24 percent said the Cabinet lacks the ability to implement policies, and 9 percent said they do not trust the prime minister.

The LDP's approval rating fell by 2 points from May to 25.5.
That's down by 15.7 points since the launch of the Kishida Cabinet three years ago.
The figure is also the lowest since the party regained power as main governing body in December 2012.

The poll came as the Lower House of Japan's Diet last week passed a bill to revise the political funds control law, compiled following a funding scandal involving some of LDP's factions.

The bill includes revisions that will hold lawmakers more accountable and ensure the transparency of such funds. It was approved by a majority vote by the LDP, coalition partner Komeito, the opposition Japan Innovation Party and others.

Asked about the outcome, 3 percent greatly support it, while 30 percent somewhat approve. Thirty-two percent said they do not support it much, while 28 percent said they give it no credit at all.

The main opposition Constitutional Democratic Party's approval rating rose 2.9 points from the month before to 9.5 percent. The support rates of the LDP and the CDP have narrowed to 16 points, whereas the gap was 35.1 points when the Kishida Cabinet was launched.

Meanwhile, 44 percent replied they do not support any party. Such voters account for over 40 percent of those polled for seven straight months.