Japan to enhance cooperation with Ukraine to help rebuild the country

The Japanese government is working to sign a new document with Ukraine that includes economic measures to support the reconstruction of the country.

Government sources say arrangements are underway for Prime Minister Kishida Fumio and President Volodymyr Zelenskyy to hold talks and sign the document on the sidelines of this year's Group of Seven summit. The G7 summit will be held in Italy from June 13. Zelenskyy has been invited to attend a session focusing on the situation in Ukraine.

On Thursday, Kishida stressed the importance of ending Russia's invasion of Ukraine and realizing a just and lasting peace as early as possible. He added that Japan is willing to lead the efforts to achieve this.

Ukraine has concluded agreements on security cooperation with such countries as Britain and France.

Japanese government sources say given Constitutional restraints on the part of the country among other factors, the envisioned cooperation will likely center on economic assistance to help rebuild Ukraine with focus on the energy sector.

Kishida and Zelenskyy met in person in May 2023, when Japan hosted the G7 Hiroshima Summit.

Kishida is also expected to convey Japan's intention to continue rigorous sanctions against Russia and reaffirm cooperation between Japan and Ukraine at the upcoming talks.