Tel Aviv targeted by Hamas rocket attack as Israel continues Rafah offensive

Tel Aviv has come under a Hamas rocket attack as Israel continues its offensive in Rafah, southern Gaza. The Israeli media say Tel Aviv was targeted for the first time since January.

Hamas said on Sunday it bombarded Tel Aviv with a rocket barrage.

This comes as the Israeli military continues its operation in Rafah. The International Court of Justice had ordered Israel to immediately halt the attack in the area as a provisional measure.

The Israeli military said it eliminated "terrorist operatives" who attempted to attack its troops in Rafah. It also said the soldiers found large quantities of weapons, such as rifles.

Gaza's health officials say 35 people, most of them women and children, were killed in Israeli bombing on a camp for displaced people northwest of Rafah on Sunday evening.

CNN quoted an Egyptian official as saying negotiations between Israel and Hamas for a ceasefire and hostage swap deal will resume on Tuesday in Cairo, Egypt.

But the outlook for any agreement remains unclear as there is a wide gap between the two sides.