Malaysian Prime Minister Anwar aims to continue dialogue with China

Malaysian Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim, now visiting Japan, has indicated the country will continue to have dialogue with China, while enhancing its relationship with Japan in terms of maritime security.

Anwar made the remarks at a news conference in Tokyo on Friday.

He referred to China's increased maritime activities in the South China Sea.

He said there are differences in views of the two countries, but he does not see the immediate or imminent possibility of any conflict.

He added that Malaysia takes the position to engage to have dialogue with China.

As for relationship with Japan, Anwar said his country wants to enhance cooperation in maritime security. But he stressed that his country's position is neutral.

The prime minister also referred to his social media post last week that revealed he met with Hamas political leader Ismail Haniyeh and others in Qatar.

Anwar said he was briefed on all the atrocities committed in Gaza and that he conveyed his condolences.

He expressed support for securing lasting peace through a two-state solution.

He called on Hamas to release all hostages and urged Israel to stop attacks on Rafah in southern Gaza.