Four Japanese companies visit Ukraine to discuss reconstruction projects

Representatives of four Japanese companies have visited the Ukrainian capital of Kyiv to discuss reconstruction projects in the country.

The group included officials from companies that make landmine detectors and landmine removers. Others were from firms that deal with the reconstruction of infrastructure.

They visited Kyiv for a two-day period through Thursday. The representatives met officials from the State Emergency Service, the economy ministry and state-run businesses. The participants discussed how they will cooperate.

The Japanese government has given Ukraine landmine detectors. During discussions about landmine removal projects, long-term technological assistance and training sessions to teach staff members to use equipment were mentioned.

Amemiya Makoto is the president of a company that makes landmine removers. Amemiya said he thinks it is important for companies to send staff members to Ukraine, so that they can jointly promote reconstruction efforts.

Sato Motoyuki is the president of a company that makes landmine detectors. He said he believes the visit helped the Ukrainian side understand that the firms will work hard to help Ukraine recover.

The Japanese government had issued an advisory urging all Japanese nationals to leave Ukraine. In February, it eased travel restrictions to Kyiv for companies and organizations involved in the country's reconstruction.