AI Seoul Summit: Developers responsible for safety

World leaders have met in a virtual summit to discuss the safe use and governance of artificial intelligence. They agreed that high-tech companies developing advanced AI systems have a special responsibility for this issue.

South Korea co-hosted the meeting along with the British government.

The participants adopted the Seoul Declaration.

The document cites the need to strengthen international cooperation to bridge digital divides, as well as the responsibility of AI developers.

The aim is for AI to help solve difficult global issues, and to allow everyone to benefit in both advanced and developing countries.

Officials from AI-related firms also joined the summit.
The British government said that 16 major tech companies worldwide have agreed to responsibly develop AI models.

The signatories pledged to properly assess the risks of AI models and to pull the plug on development if they can't mitigate them.

These dangers include AI being misused or getting out of control.