Vice-chair to resign amid sexual harassment accusations

The vice chair of the Minokamo City council in central Japan has submitted his letter of resignation from the post after being accused of sexually harassing the daughter of the mayor of an Australian city.

On April 3, at a party held after a reception for Dubbo Mayor Mathew Dickerson, Nagata Norio allegedly positioned his microphone close to the lower body of the Australian mayor's daughter, while singing karaoke. Dubbo is Minokamo's sister city.

Minokamo City has sent a letter of apology to Dickerson, acknowledging Nagata's behavior was inappropriate.

Nagata offered an apology over the incident at the city assembly on Thursday, and tendered his resignation on Friday. He reportedly plans to continue as a council member.
Nagata said he is very sorry for causing a stir and worrying and inconveniencing the public. He said he is ashamed of his behavior.

He added he will work hard for Minokamo through his council activities so as to not damage the public's trust in international exchanges.