Time names Miyazaki Hayao as one of 100 most influential people of 2024

US magazine Time has named Japanese anime director Miyazaki Hayao and sociologist Ueno Chizuko among its 100 most influential people of this year.

The annual list was released on Wednesday.

Describing Miyazaki as "a brutal realist regarding greed, war, and human rage," the magazine touts him as "the single most influential animation director in the history of the medium."

The magazine says translations of Ueno's books on such topics as feminism and misogyny have become bestsellers in China. It adds that Ueno has become "a role model for millions of Chinese women quietly rebelling against pressure to marry and have babies."

Osaka University Professor Hayashi Katsuhiko, an expert in developmental and reproductive biology, is also on the list. Time says his team produced eggs using iPS cells from male mice, resulting in pups born to two biological fathers. Hayashi is commended for offering hope to those with infertility problems or same-sex couples who would like to have biological children.

Yale University Professor Iwasaki Akiko is also on the list. The Japan-born immunologist is renowned for her research on the mechanisms of post-COVID symptoms. Time says Iwasaki is "at the top of her game."

Yulia Navalnaya, the widow of the late Russian opposition leader Alexei Navalny, is another of Time's 100 most influential people. She continues to resist the government of President Vladimir Putin after her husband died in February.