Daily News

2. China's Xi to visit Kazakhstan, Tajikistan from Tuesday

China's foreign ministry says President Xi Jinping will make state visits to Kazakhstan and Tajikistan from Tuesday to Saturday.

It says Xi will attend a summit of the Chinese and Russian-led Shanghai Cooperation Organization. The meeting will be held in Kazakhstan on Wednesday and Thursday.

The ministry says Xi will also travel to Tajikistan.

Russia says it is working to arrange a meeting between Xi and Russian President Vladimir Putin on the sidelines of the summit.

The two leaders last met in Beijing in May. They are expected to reconfirm their ties as both countries remain at odds with Europe and the United States.

Putin is expected to explain the new treaty he signed with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un in June during his first visit to the North in 24 years.

The pact pledges mutual military assistance if either of the countries is placed in a state of war.
