Corporate Overview

Basic Facts About NHK

Name Nippon Hoso Kyokai (NHK)
※ English : Japan Broadcasting Corporation
Headquarters NHK Broadcasting Center
2-2-1 Jinnan, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo 150-8001, Japan
TEL: +81-(0)3-3465-1111
President INABA Nobuo
Foundation June 1, 1950 (Date of re-establishment of NHK as Japan’s public broadcaster)
- NHK’s predecessor, Tokyo Broadcasting Station, broadcast its first radio program in March 1925.
- NHK was founded in 1926 through the merger of three broadcasting stations, including Tokyo Broadcasting Station. NHK was later re-established as a public broadcaster under the terms of the Broadcast Law.
Services Domestic Broadcasting
Terrestrial TV channels: General TV and Educational TV
Satellite TV channels: BS, BS Premium 4K, and BS8K
Radio channels: Radio 1, Radio 2, and FM
International Satellite/Shortwave Broadcasting
NHK WORLD-JAPAN(English TV channel and Radio service for 17 languages)
NHK WORLD PREMIUM(Japanese TV channel)
NHK WORLD RADIO JAPAN(Japanese Radio service)
Research on broadcasting culture and technology